Santa Clara Valley Section
The Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Section promotes the aims and objectives of the IEEE as stated in the IEEE Constitution and Bylaws. The Section concerns itself with all IEEE affairs taking place within the area prescribed by the IEEE as the territory of the SCV Section that geographically takes in all the peninsula cities south of Highway 92, plus the counties of Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. The SCV, more popularly known as Silicon Valley, is one of the largest IEEE Section in the world in terms of membership as well as active chapters. IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section inspires Silicon Valley professionals and students to stay connected and to collaborate by creating and providing leadership programs to educate and to stimulate technological innovation, and engineering excellence.
Together with the San Francisco and Oakland East Bay sections we form the San Francisco Bay Area Council (SFBAC). Several of our chapters are joint across the Bay Area. If you want to know more contact us or join any of our events see Event Calendar or subscribe to the eGRID newsletter. Join IEEE and be part of our SFBA community of engineers!
Science Fair Judges Needed
Science Fair season is coming up. For over 40 years, the IEEE has provided both prizes and judges for local fairs and we need your help once again. These fairs provide an opportunity for students from middle schools and high schools to show their projects and hear comments from professionals like you. Projects range from the simple to the sophisticated, but behind every project is a student who is anxious to find out what you think about it. As a judge you will interact with students and help them understand what they did right and how they could do better next time. This year IEEE will be supporting five science fairs and one hands-on event:
- Santa Cruz (Saturday, March 8) (In Person)
- San Mateo (Saturday, March 15) (Virtual)
- Santa Clara (Thursday, March 13) (In Person)
- Monterey County (Saturday, March 15) (In Person)
- San Benito County (Tuesday, March 11) (Judging of exhibits without students)
- San Benito County (Thursday, March 13) (Awards and IEEE hands-on exhibit for students)
Even if you can only help for a few hours the students will appreciate it. No previous experience or specialized knowledge is necessary only patience and common sense. If you are interested in helping at one of these fairs, or sponsoring a prize, please call Charlie Neuhauser at (408) 245-0085 (W) or e-mail him at
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